Suite Bliss

Friday, January 30, 2009

by The Fiction Mistress & Venus


Stephanie Honey,

Wishing you all the very best on your Birthday. We hope you have a truly magical day and all your dreams come true. Enjoy!!

Venus and The Fiction Mistress

P.S Make sure you let your liver clear out after your B'day celebration so we can have fun in Joisey!!


Stephanie settled into her seat, still not quite believing she was actually at the first game the Giants were playing in the new stadium. Sure it was only pre-season, but still, the chance to watch her favorite team play in their brand new digs, and from a suite!

She knew she was grinning like a fool and she just couldn’t help herself. Reaching forward, she retrieved her new toy from the gift bag AT&T had provided for her and the other two contest winners. There was still at least ten more minutes before the teams took the field, so she took out her new Iphone and began to study the Quick Start guide.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a tall figure moving into the same row of outdoor seats from the suite next door. Glancing up with a smile, she froze as her gaze landed on dark eyes nearly as familiar as her own. “Oh fuck me,” she said softly.

Richie grinned in amusement, leaning forward to place his wallet and his phone under his seat. “Is that an offer, darlin’?”

Her entire body blushed, but she found herself nodding, unable to stop herself. “Oh honey, if I weren’t married I’d be over that rail and in your lap in about two seconds…”

His chuckle was low and throaty and Stephanie was mesmerized by the way his eyes sparkled. “I won’t tell your husband if you won’t,” he said with a wink. “What’s your name, honey?”

“Stephanie,” she replied, feeling an intense urge to pinch herself and make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

But at that moment, the dream got weirder as someone started moving down the row toward Richie…someone shorter, and blonder, with a blinding white smile. “Friend of yours, Rich?”

“Double fuck me…” Stephanie breathed.

Jon leaned forward and took in the long, wavy dark hair and the friendly smile. “Niiice….threesome…haven’t done that in a while my friend…” Jon teased.

“Nah, she’s married,” Richie shook his head regretfully. “AND she has morals.”

Grinning, Jon raised a bottle of beer to his lips. “Morals never stopped me.”

Stephanie swallowed hard. She was sure now this was a dream. First the new stadium, then the phone, and now she was sitting next to two of the sexiest men on the planet, and she was sure Jon was checking her out!

Fuck, she had to text Hath before she made it out to their seats and had a heart attack. Desperately, she pulled her new phone out and tried to figure out how to send a text. Giving up, she hit the icon that looked like a telephone and dialed the number from memory..

“Hath!” she hissed as soon as her friend answered. “Get your ass out here. You’re not gonna believe who’s in the box next to us.”

“Steph, I can’t hear you. And why the hell are you whispering?”

“Richie fucking Sambora, Hath, is sitting practically right next to me. And Jon’s on the other side.” Stephanie was talking as loudly as she dared, turned away from the two men with her hand covering her other ear. “Get OUT here!”

“I’ll be there in a sec with the drinks, just cool your jets babe,” Hath chuckled. “Ritas are on the way.

“Hath!” She wanted to yell but the sound came out as more of a squeak. Realizing the line had been disconnected, she squared her shoulders and turned back toward Richie, who was watching her with a very amused look on his face.

“Did I just hear you say Hath?”

Steph shook her head minutely, unsure whether she had heard correctly. “Sorry, what?”

“Did you just call your friend Hath? As in ‘The Goddess Hathor?’” Rich brown eyes looked intently into hers. He spoke slowly, carefully enunciating each word.


“Now c’mon honey...I’m sure you can form a more coherent sentence than that.” The corners of Richie’s eyes crinkled warmly.

“I’m um..I’m not so sure whether I should...” Oh shit, confirm or deny...what the fuck is keeping Hath.

“Hey honey... Marg and Rita are here and ready to party, time to let loose before we have to head back to reality. Can you believe this? Opening day at Giants Stadium...the Giants and the Pats and...” Hath was momentarily distracted by Steph’s frantic pointing towards the box next door. “...And OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!”

“No darlin’, just Richie.” The dimples were simply breathtaking this close up. This man had presence.

A sharp elbow in the thigh from Stephanie had Hath looking down. Again Stephanie pointed in the boys’ direction. Hath leaned over and looked around Richie.

“Fuck me!” She exclaimed.

“Cool man, looks like we just graduated to a foursome.” Jon said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Why didn’t you warn me?” Hath hissed out of the side of her mouth.

“I did...that’s why I called.” Stephanie said holding up and shaking the phone that was sill in her hand.

“Oh...yeah, sorry, I forgot about that.” Hath stood, her mouth slightly agape, as she stared in the boys’ direction.

“Can I have one of those...Or do you want them both?”

“Richie’s mine.” Hath answered quickly and a little too loudly.

Jon and Richie both sat relaxed in their box enjoying the show. There wasn’t much better than watching two beautiful ladies this flustered.

“Hath!” Stephanie looked pointedly in the boys direction and blushed brightly when she realised they were watching them intently. “I meant the drink!”

“Oh shit” Hath handed Stephanie one of the icy concoctions.

Stephanie took a long draw in the glass but stopped abruptly when the cold went to her head. “Ow...” She said rubbing her temple.

“Hehehe...brain freeze.” Richie chuckled. “So this is the famous Goddess..?”

Hath shot Stephanie an incredulous glare, “You told him?” She could feel the rest of the blood from her body make its way to her already reddened cheeks

“Not exactly” Stephanie shrugged impishly, “...he heard me on the phone.”

“No need to be embarrassed darlin’. I’m a huge fan of your work...” Richie face lit up in a wide grin. “Be sure to let me know if you ever want to do any research.”

Jon grinned as Richie and “Hath” hit it off right away, and with each margarita she got more brazen with her “research questions..”

But Jon was more intrigued by the brunette sitting next to her, watching her out of the corner of his eye. She seemed completely focused on the pre-game activities on the field, but he could tell she was discreetly checking him out. That suited him just fine because she was most definitely his “type,” and he wondered if she was also one of the famous “fiction” writers.

Stephanie was amused by the immediate rapport between Hath and Richie, but her attention was firmly fixed on Jon sitting just a few feet away. She doubted there was a word in the dictionary that even came close to describing the sheer perfection of his sculpted chest in a tight black t-shirt. Her mouth began to water as he stood and stretched, running his fingers along the slim line of his stomach, apparently unaware that each time he did, he pulled up the hem of his shirt revealing a line of silky dark hair that disappeared into his jeans.

Downing the rest of her margarita in one gulp, she was startled to realize he was speaking to her.

“Can I bring you another one darlin’?” He grinned as if he knew exactly what she had been thinking and eyed her empty glass speculatively. “I’m making a bar run.”

“Um…sure,” Stephanie replied, trying to slow her racing heartbeat.

“Why don’t you bring another for Hath here too, Jonny boy,” Richie said with an amused chuckle. He could tell Jon was zero-ing in on Stephanie, which would likely make for an interesting afternoon.

“Not a problem.” And with a grin and a nod, he shoved his fingers into his pockets and headed toward the suite’s bar.

With shaking hands, Stephanie pulled out her new phone, determined to figure out how to send a text message so she could let SOMEONE know what was happening.

Just a moment later, warm breath tickled her ear from the row behind her. “I can help you with that, you know,” he teased, winking as he handed over her drink.

“Oh…you’re in our suite now,” Stephanie said, kicking herself when she realized how completely star-struck she sounded.

“I thought I’d come over and chat with you since Richie is otherwise occupied,” he replied, letting the full force of his million-dollar smile wash over her. “Hope you don’t mind…”

“Mind? Why would I mind?” Hell no, she didn’t mind!

His signature smirk firmly in place, Jon stepped into her row and took the seat next to her. “So tell me your name, honey. I assume you’re a fan…”

“It’s Stephanie. And yeah, but don’t worry, I’m not gonna get all freaky or anything.”

He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly. “I knew that in the first thirty seconds, otherwise I wouldn’t be talking to you like this.”

“Oh. Ok. Good.” That’s it, breathe Stephanie. He’s just a man. Talk to him just like any other man.

“So Stephanie, I have to ask, are you also a ‘writer?’” He used his fingers to put imaginary quotation marks around the word.

“Umm...maybe...why do you ask?” Oh God please don’t let him know me.

“Let’s just say I’ve had a little poke around on some of those sites....some of them are very talented writers.” He grinned.

“Yeah you sit around reading fan fic.” Stephanie replied incredulous.

“Well it’s not like I’m addicted or anything...Let’s just say I like to have that insight into what the fans like.”

“I suppose that’s reasonable” Stephanie contended, “I mean it’s hard to miss some of them when they are coming up on Google Alerts.”

“I wouldn’t know about that. I don’t have myself on alert.” He chuckled. “I’m not that egocentric. I just know my favourites.”

“And they would be...” Stephanie asked the loaded question.

“Oh You don’t get to ask a question until you’ve answered mine.” His blue eyes twinkled.

“I answered...I said maybe...” Stephanie defended.

Jon raised an eyebrow. “That’s not a real answer. Come on fess up....”

Concentrate Stephanie, she chided herself silently. It was hard to remember her own name under his intent gaze. “I may dabble.” She lowered her eyes to the ground.

“Well, well, well...two for the price of one. Are you a Richie writer as well?” He could see the line of questioning was making her uncomfortable but he couldn’t let it go.


“Dave...” He was hoping not, but was trying to narrow down the options.

“It’s you... ok! Are you happy now...I mainly write about you.” Stephanie squirmed. It was unfair that he sat there looking so smug.

“Actually I think I am. So Stephanie that your writing name as well?”

Stephanie cursed the day she had linked her real name to her alter ego. But still it would have taken some digging to find that out. She was sure he wouldn’t have gone that far.

“I know of one author by that name...that wouldn’t be you would it...Queenie?”

"NO!" She protested too quickly and too loudly. Even Hath and Richie turned to stare at her.

Jon turned to Hath, “Queenie here was just telling me all about her stories.”

Hath turned to her friend "He outed you that fast huh?"

Stephanie groaned audibly, “Thanks a LOT Hath.”

Hath looked at her friend’s bright red face and giggled. “Oops!”

Stephanie looked at Jon, his perfect white teeth glistening through his grin, “Ok let's get this straight,” she began, “I'm not confirming or denying anything, ok? Perhaps I write fiction about you....”

Jon shook his head, “No, you've already admitted that much."

She held up her hands. “FINE! But I have to draw the line at telling you who I am.”

“No problem....Queenie.” He chuckled.

Hath turned back to Richie, "You know she writes about you too, she's really good!"

“OH God...Can someone please shove a hotdog in her mouth...” Stephanie whimpered.

Richie grinned, “Sorry darlin’, I don’t have a hotdog but I’m sure I could find something to keep her mouth occupied.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her before glancing mischievously at her friend.

Hath slapped him lightly on the shoulder, “Oh honey... you wish!”

Stephanie bit her lip, wishing she could turn the clock back on the past twenty minutes, particularly since Jon was sitting there with the biggest, shit-eating grin she had ever seen on his face.

“Look,” she said, keeping her voice low since the rows behind them were beginning to fill with other spectators as the game was about to start, “I know this is all very amusing to you given the situation, but could we please drop the writing talk now? You’re making it very hard for me to concentrate on the game…or anything else…”

Jon’s eyes swept over her face, from the full lips and the intriguing eyes to the lustrous dark hair that made his fingers itch to touch it. His gaze followed it down to rest where it stopped, at her breasts – full and round. “Likewise, honey, but as you wish…”

They sat together companionably, both trying their best to concentrate on the game, now in full swing, but sneaking furtive glances at each other. And then their eyes met. Stephanie quickly turned her attention back to the game. She had had enough embarrassment for one day.

Jon on the other hand didn’t have quite the same amount of self-control. He couldn’t manage to tear his eyes away from her. He found himself picturing her as the heroine of her own stories, using that luscious mouth to do to him in reality what her heroines did in the land of fiction and wondering what he could do to her to make her scream. I want to hear her scream. A warm hand on his wrist sent a shot of electricity though him.

“Yes, yes!” She cried out, sitting on the edge of her seat, her focus clearly on the field.

Well that was easier than I thought, he chucked to himself before his attention was drawn to the action.

Somewhere nearby he heard a plaintive moan. “No... No...Dammit!”

He shot an amused glance in Hath’s direction. A look of horror distorted her features before she buried her face in her hands. Down on the field the Giants scored a touchdown.

Both Jon and Stephanie leapt up in unison. “Touchdown!” They screamed and then giggled together. The crown went wild all around them. The first touchdown in the new stadium and by the home team...could it get any better? Well, probably but it didn’t seem so at that instant.

“That was amazing...” Stephanie said as they settled back into their seats, “Did you see that pass?”

“…” His slow, lazy grin had a devastating impact on her senses. “My mind was otherwise occupied.” He lifted his forefinger to slowly trail down her cheek, causing her to gulp with fascination and frustration.

She looked at him as he spoke and noted the glint in his eyes. Surely that’s not for me, she told herself, he’s just passionate about the game. But, oh my God...if it was, what I’d like to do to him. She had told Richie she was married – which was true – but honestly, just how much self-control was a woman supposed to possess. If perfection offered himself to you, could you say no?

“Move aside..comin’ through...” A loud boisterous voice came from behind them, “Oh shit!”

The exclamation was the last thing Jon heard before being splashed with icy Margarita’s. A sharp intake of breath beside him indicated that Stephanie had suffered the same fate. He looked at her and saw that she was saturated from the head down.

He glared frostily at the woman in the row behind him. She shrugged and giggled, she had obviously abused the open bar and was exceedingly intoxicated.

Jon jumped up, “Why don’t you watch what you’re doing? Don’t you think you’ve already had enough? Look at her.” He shouted, pointing at Stephanie.

“Shhh... Jon...don’t worry about it,” Stephanie tugged on his arm, “Please..don’t cause a s..s..scene,” she shivered. The afternoon was unseasonably cool, and high up in the stands the chill of the breeze was particularly evident.

“Holly hell, Steph...are you ok,” Hath asked trying to suppress a smile. She couldn’t help it, her friend looked akin to a drowned rat.

Stephanie stood up to shake off the excess ice. “Just peachy thanks...”

Jon licked her cheek, the warmth of his tongue seemed to burn at her skin. Her had moved involuntarily to that spot.

“No...Melon actually...yum.” He chuckled cheekily but when she shivered again his mood sobered a little, “We better get you inside honey...out of this chill... try to clean you up. Come with me.” He held out a hand to her.

“ that’s ok. I can take care of it. I wouldn’t want you to miss the game.” She protested.

“Don’t be absurd...besides...,” he said indicating to himself, “I have a little cleaning of my own to do.”

Jon grabbed Stephanie by the hand and led her past the row of amused spectators. She was sure she would look back on this and laugh one day...but for now she just couldn’t see the humour in it.

The second they were out of the public eye and in the privacy of the suite’s luxuriously appointed bathroom, Jon dropped Stephanie’s hand and pulled his T-Shirt over his head. If the peak of flesh earlier hadn’t done her in this certainly did. She watched transfixed as his muscles of his back rippled with the movement of his actions. He turned around as he balled the shirt into his fist and rubbed it over his torso. She watched his nipples pucker as the fabric grazed over them. It took her a moment to realise he had spoken. He stood before her, a slightly amused but expectant look on his face.

“Sorry what?” Again the blood rushed to her cheeks.

“I said...Darlin’ you really should get out of that wet top, or you’ll catch a chill.” He replied patiently. It wasn’t the first time a woman had had that reaction to was all part of the job…women looking at him as though they’d like to eat him alive. That didn’t mean he always liked it though.... but he certainly did this time.

“Ahhh I don’t think so.” Stephanie replied shaking her head.

“Awe..why not? I can see just as much through that wet top as I’ll be able to see once it’s off.”

“I can’t take my top off in front of you.” She replied incredulous.

“Fine then...” He said, his trademark smirk adorning his features, “I’ll take it off for you.”

In some detached part of her mind, Stephanie rationalized that he was just trying to help her since she had gotten soaked from the drink…that it didn’t mean anything…that her husband would realize that it was all completely innocent.

Holding completely still, she watched his face, mesmerized as he slowly, methodically, unbuttoned her white cotton top. His eyes never left hers, as if he was waiting for her to stop him, but as the buttons got lower, his smile got bigger. Finally, he eased it off of her shoulders, his pupils dilating as he took in the lacy pink bra she wore beneath it.

“So sexy,” he whispered softly, bringing her fingers to his lips for a gentle kiss before releasing her and bringing his hands to her shoulders. “Just stop me if I do anything you don’t want me to.”

Somehow that reassurance took any last misgivings she might have been feeling away. And at that moment, he slid his hands into the thick curls at her nape and drew her toward him, his lips lowering, his warm breath on her face as her eyes fell closed.

It had been a long time since Stephanie had enjoyed such a kiss. Years of marriage often make kisses feel routine, perfunctory, a means to an end. But as his lips touched hers like the barest of whispers, she moaned softly, her mouth opening instinctively as his tongue swept inside.

He certainly had mastered the art of the kiss, and before she realized what was happening, he had skilfully unfastened her bra and threw the lacy garment to the floor. The feeling of her breasts pressed against his muscular chest was like no other, and she couldn’t resist sliding her fingers up the sleek muscles of his abdomen, teasingly stroking up and down.

The muscles in Jon’s shoulders bunched as he groaned and pulled her more forcefully against him. “Keep doing that and there will be no going back, honey,” he whispered harshly, his eyes blazing blue in the face of her teasing grin.

In response, her fingers slid lower, over the hard, denim-covered ridge that was now pressing into her belly.

Jon bit back a curse, looking around the room urgently. He dragged her to the doorway to make sure it was locked, flicked the dimmer down to a low setting and moved her over to a low settee positioned against the wall.

With raspy urgency, he whispered, “Today, for me, you’re Queenie, you’re not Stephanie. You don’t have other worries, no obligations, it’s just you and me. What happens here stays here. Alright?”

She nodded quickly and took a deep breath as he deftly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her smooth thighs, leaving her in a tiny pink lace thong that matched the bra he had discarded moments earlier. “This pink lace is gonna be the death of me,” he whispered wickedly before looping his fingers into the elastic at her hips and pulling it down.

Stephanie gasped as the cool air hit her overheated flesh, but didn’t resist when he gently lowered her to the settee, propping one of her calves against the top of the back while spreading her legs wide, her other foot still flat on the floor.

“Oh God,” she whispered, squirming against the cushions as she felt his lips at her center.

“You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t you baby?” he whispered, delighted as she opened like a flower under his gaze. Placing his fingertips gently on the backs of her thighs, he positioned his thumbs along each side of her glistening clit and spread her even wider, exposing that swollen nub that he yearned for.

He glanced up at her face and smiled at the wanton picture she made, her breasts uplifted, the nipples pert as she grasped the cushion behind her head. Slowly she writhed against the settee, her eyes closed as she moaned softly. “Please, Jon…”

Without a second thought, he gave her what she wanted, latching onto her clit like a suckling baby. He gently pulled it and released it back into place before slowly circling his tongue around her clit, gauging her responses to each movement until he knew exactly what brought her the most pleasure.

Stephanie rose for just a moment to stare at him, his glossy lips poised mere inches over her pussy as his tongue worked her, his eyes gleaming with desire as he staked his claim to the most sensitive area of her body. Gulping, she lowered her head back to the cushion as she felt the tell-tale heat that started in the bottoms of her feet and shot upward through her legs. At that moment, he pressed his whole mouth against her and began to chuckle, the rumble starting deep in his chest and vibrating against his lips as her orgasm overtook her.

With steadfast hands, he grasped her hips, riding the waves with her until he knew she was almost to the point of being too sensitive for more stimulation. He gave her a gentle reprieve, but as quickly as she began to relax he was pushing her once more, still so close on the heels of her first orgasm that she instantly, ferociously climaxed again.

Stephanie was breathing hard as Jon kissed his way back up her body. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue sweeping inside so that she could taste herself on his breath. She revelled in the feel of his body on hers, the hard lines of him pressing down on her, moulding into her and then he was gone. She watched as he foraged around on the floor until he found what he was looking for. He pulled a foil package from his jeans and came back to sit on the edge of the settee.

He was ridiculously hard. It had been so long since a woman had proved to be this irresistible, and now all he wanted was to find himself buried deep within her warm wet folds. He began to tear open the small package when he felt her hand on his.

Stephanie was lying on her side. She had been watching him with interest. “Not so fast rock had your turn... now I want mine.”

Stephanie’s tongue moistened her lips as she stared at him hungrily. She swung her feet to the floor and sat up beside him before sinking to the floor at his feet. Placing her hands on his chest, she pushed gently until he was reclined on the seat and then she went to work.

Kneeling between his thighs and with the barest touch of her fingertips, she ran her hands up and down the inside of his thighs. She watched with pleasure, as each time her hands reached the apex of his thighs his cock jumped in response.

Resting her hands now at the crease of his thighs, her thumbs lightly stroking his sack, Stephanie ever so slowly let her mouth follow the path her hands had taken. Her hot wet tongue blazed a trail up his thighs with her gentle open mouth kisses. By the time he could feel her warm breath on his balls his cock was purple and straining.

“Ohhh fuck Queenie...please....” He begged, his voice rough and edgy.

“Please what?” She asked, looking up at him with bedroom eyes.

“Suck me...fuck me...I don’t care...just end the torture...I need to be in you. Any part of you...” His voice quivered...he was needy...desperate. She marvelled that she could bring him this far with just a few well placed touches. She hadn’t even began to work her magic yet.

“Ugh...fuck yes!!” Jon cried as her warm mouth enveloped his head.

Stephanie stilled herself and revelled in the taste of him – musky, salty, she needed more. Without removing her mouth she lapped at his slit with the tip of her tongue and tasted the pre cum there, it was her entree. She slid her mouth lower down his shaft and began to pump up and down, occasionally pulling off to tease his sensitive tip.

“You have a magical mouth Queenie,” he croaked out. His compliment spurred her on. She relaxed her throat and too his entire length until his dark curls tickled her nose. She clamped her thumb and forefinger around his base and groaned low in her throat and was immediately rewarded with her main meal.

“Queeeennnieee” he cried out as his sack emptied deep within her throat. She continued to groan and the vibrations along with her fingers clamping him had him cumming longer, harder than he had in years.

Stephanie drew back from his cock, taking care to lap up every last drop of his precious cum. But she did not give him much time to recover. She stood before him and bent low at the waist to kiss him deeply. Her tits hung temptingly before him and he reached out to cup them both, she moaned at his touch.

“ sensitive.” He clasped both nipples between two fingers and squeezed gently.

Stephanie gasped, “I hope it doesn’t take you too long to recover, honey...I don’t know how long I can wait with you doing that.”

Jon’s eyes moved to his cock – already rock hard and straining – hers followed them. “Ready when you are baby.”

“So I see” She grinned biting her lower lip.

Stephanie snagged the small foil package from the floor where it had been discarded earlier and within seconds had him sheathed. She straddled his thighs, and positioned her slit along the length of his rock hard cock. Leisurely she began to rock back and forth so that the tip of his cock enticingly teased her clit. She heard his breath quicken in time with hers, could feel his erratic heartbeat under the strong firm muscles of his chest where her hands braced her. When she could take no more, starring deeply into his eyes she rose up and in one motion seated him fully within her.

Jon ran the flat of his hand from the flat of her abdomen up between her breasts. Her skin was slick with the effort of their lovemaking. He caught her around the back of the neck, threading his fingers into the damp ringlets there and pulled her to him for a deep passionate kiss, their tongues entwining in harmony.

His other hand slid between their writhing bodies to find the small nub that would push her over the edge and undoubtedly take him with her. His thumb found the swollen bud and circled it gently at first, becoming more and more insistent with each murmur and moan.

“God your beautiful” he whispered in her ear, nibbling there.

Feeling the warmth radiate towards her core and knowing it wouldn’t be long now, Stephanie captured Jon’s mouth in another passionate kiss in an attempt to muffle her impending scream. Her walls began to quiver around him, clenching tight. Her mouth was on his again, frantic, wanton. And then they were both moaning in ecstasy as they peaked in unison, her walls pumping him dry of his seed.

Stephanie collapsed against him, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

As they both lay there catching their breath, Jon’s chest started to rumble with laughter.

Turning over, she propped her hand on his chest and couldn’t help but smile. “What is it?’

He smiled and gently kissed her swollen lips. “You exceeded my expectations more than you can imagine…”

“Your expectations?” she inquired, arching an eyebrow high up her smooth forehead. “How could you have had expectations?”

Jon’s eyes glimmered with amusement as he traced her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “You don’t really think it was all just a happy coincidence that we ended up sitting so close together, do you?”

Stephanie’s eyes grew wide with shock and she gasped. “You PLANNED this? But…how…why…?”

“Rich and I have been wanting to meet some of our favorite fiction writers for a while now.”

Stephanie fell back against the settee in shock. “Are you SERIOUS? This was all a big set-up? But…how did you know I’d bring Hath? And how did you know I’d go for…all this?”

“Educated guess. What I was more worried about though was that once I got you here, I wouldn’t find you as appealing as you are on my laptop.”

“And?” Stephanie asked frostily.

In response, he trailed his fingers through her hair once more, lowering his lips until they were a breath away from hers. “You have surpassed my wildest fantasies, Queenie. And I’m thinking…if you really want your stories to be realistic, you may need to do a bit more research…”

Dinner for Three

Stephanie, my dear Queenie, I hope you have a very VERY happy birthday. And if it works out anything like this, and you don’t call me, you’re dead, lol :)



One of the things that Stephanie and Jon valued most about their relationship was their ability to be totally open and honest about everything, including sex. As a result, they had an exciting and very satisfying love life. No matter what one or the other wanted to try, the other was more than willing. It was liberating and exhilarating, and more than once, their attempts had them in hysterics as they tried to figure out which arm or leg went where.

Stephanie’s birthday was in a few days. Jon wanted to plan something special for his girl; something that she hadn’t done before. He had considered taking her on a trip or buying her jewelry of some kind, but he’d already done that. This year, he wanted to give her something...more private and personal. Something they could keep to themselves and enjoy secretly. A smirk crossed his face when his best friend walked into the room. He knew just what he wanted to get her; he just had to figure out a way to make it happen.

Richie was surprised to see Jon sitting there with an open bottle of whiskey, staring at the door to the suite. Stephanie was due in any day, and Richie had expected his friend to be cloistered away with his lovely girlfriend, losing himself in her. Apparently, he was anxious for her to get here.

Richie was a little jealous of Jon; he seemed to have found the perfect girl. She was smart, sexy, and adventurous as all get-out. On more than one occasion over the few years they had been dating, Richie had returned to their shared suite earlier than expected only to find one or both of them in some state of undress. Instead of being embarrassed, Stephanie would simply smile and wave before Jon would carry her away to his room.

Stephanie was a beautiful contradiction. One moment she would be so brazen; looking at him like she wanted to eat him alive. The next, he’d catch her looking and give her a wink and a grin, and she’d turn away, blushing like a young girl. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that she turned him on something fierce; something that Jon knew full well. To his credit though, Richie didn’t do anything about it, of course. A guy doesn’t try to seduce his best friend’s girl.

“What’s up, bro? You waiting on Steph?” He laughed. “You’re looking at that door like you’re willing her to come through it.”

“Nah, she’ll be here in a couple days,” Jon answered, taking a swig of whiskey. “I was waiting to talk to you about her birthday.”

Richie’s eyes searched out the date on the ceiling. “Shit, her birthday’s coming up fast, yeah?”

“Yep,” Jon agreed, downing more of the amber liquid. “Friday. She’s flying in before dinner.”

“Flying? Doesn’t she usually drive when she meets you in the city?”

Jon rolled his eyes. “I’m so glad you’re keeping track of my girlfriend’s travel habits,” he chuckled. “But yeah, flying. It takes her four or five hours to drive down, and I want to celebrate her birthday with her while it’s still her actual birthday, and she won’t play hooky.” He smiled. “My girl takes her responsibilities seriously. Even on her birthday. Which brings me back to her gift.”

“Lemme guess,” Richie said, helping himself to the bottle in front of Jon. “You don’t have a present for her yet.” He stated it as fact rather than asking the question. Jon was a good guy, but tended to forget little things like birthdays. Richie poured two fingers of liquor into a heavy crystal tumbler. The first sip burned a little going down, as a good whiskey should, but once the warmth hit his stomach and started to spread out, it felt great.

“No, asshole, I don’t have one for her yet. I do have one in mind, though, and I wanted to get your opinion.” Jon refilled his own glass and took a healthy swig.

Richie raised an eyebrow. Jon didn’t usually drink this much in the afternoon. “So what is it that has you slugging back the Johnnie Black like it’s going outta style?” His eyes went wide. “You giving her a ring?”

“NO!” Jon said a little too quickly. He loved Stephanie, and he knew she loved him, but neither of them really wanted to throw the ‘M’ word around quite yet. They had talked about it some, but both were both thrilled with the way their relationship was moving, and neither wanted to change it yet. “It’s just that my gift idea, well it’s a little out there.” Jon put the glass down and steepled his fingers, tapping his chin with his index fingers. It’s now or never, he thought. “Remember a buncha years ago, that wild night we spent in Minneapolis that time?” Jon’s heart was racing. It was one thing to want to do this for Steph, but quite another to try to set it up.

“Oh, you mean with, uh,” Richie looked out the window and snapped his fingers quickly while he thought. After a few moments, he turned triumphantly to his friend. “Candace!” He smiled widely at Jon, who just nodded, but didn’t say anything. As more of the memory of that night came back to Richie, his smile started to slip. Candace had been a gorgeous young woman that they had met at the after-party who couldn’t seem to decide which of them she liked better. She flirted outrageously with both of them, and when they jokingly suggested they could have themselves a private naked party, just the three of them, she readily agreed. It was a night neither of them would ever forget.

Richie abruptly sat forward when the full meaning of Jon’s question hit him in the back of the head. “You’re not asking... you can’t mean... with Stephanie?”

“Yeah, with Stephanie, you idiot. Who else am I seeing right now?”

Richie was floored. The last time they’d done this, it was a spur-of-the-moment, what-the-hell-we’re-loaded-anyway kind of thing. This was Jon planning it. For his girlfriend! “You’ve thought about this, and you’re sure?” Richie asked, getting excited at the prospect of having Stephanie’s warm, willing body under his; fantasizing about her thick, luxurious curls against his chest.... or his thighs. He was getting hard just thinking about it.

“I’m sure, bro.”

“And Stephanie would be, uh, up for it?”

Jon just gave Richie a look. “Man, I’m not blind. I see how she gazes at you when she thinks neither of us is looking. She’s thought about it. She’ll be all for it.”

Richie chuckled, perversely pleased to hear that. “When?”

“When she gets here on Friday.”

Richie sat back in his chair with a hard sigh. “Ground rules?”

Jon laughed at his Richie’s expression. He could see his friend practically rubbing his hands together with glee. He supposed he couldn’t blame his friend: Stephanie was fabulous. “Don’t touch my shit,” he said, “even by accident. I’ll break your fucking hand. Other than that, whatever she wants.”


Stephanie was excited to be back in New York City. She lived upstate, and didn’t get down as often as she would like. Jon usually came to her, or else they traveled to some exotic destination where they spent long, luxurious days together. She laughed, counting how many countries she’d had sex in; almost too many to name. She was curious as to what her birthday celebration was going to be, and if she should have grabbed her passport. All Jon had said was that he had something very special planned, and she should wear something sexy but casual.

Hah! Like she ever dressed any other way!

So after leaving work early, she showered, changed into her most comfortable painted-on jeans, pulled on a thin cotton tank top the color of a perfectly ripe mango, and zipped into her favorite CFM boots. She tousled her hair, knowing Jon liked the “damn, baby, you look like you just woke up” look, and skimmed on the barest amount of makeup. Satisfied, she left for the airport. The flight took off just after four, and landed an hour or so later. A liveried chauffeur awaited Stephanie outside the terminal, and she smiled, her excitement starting to build. As she settled into the plush interior of the car, the driver handed her a heavy parchment envelope. Grinning like a fool, she slid the cardstock from its sleeve.

It’s Your Birthday! Time for your wildest fantasies to come true... I’ll see you soon, Love, J

Wondering what in the hell THAT meant, Stephanie turned her gaze out the window, and watched the city lights whiz by. When she arrived at the hotel, the bellman opened her door and took her bag. “Good evening, Ms. Stephanie,” he said, remembering her from the last time she visited Jon here. All the way up the elevator, her palms were sweating. When she knocked on Jon’s door, she had a smile on her face a mile wide.

The door opened to a surprise. Jon and Richie stood there, side by side, looking gorgeous. Jon was wearing simple black trousers and a heavy denim Oxford shirt. The sleeves were rolled up over his corded forearms, and it was held closed by only a couple of buttons on the bottom. His feet were bare, and Stephanie’s knees weakened for a moment. Damn that Sambora; if he wasn’t here, she’d jump Jon right this minute! But she couldn’t really get mad at Rich, for he made a beautiful picture himself in tight jeans and a purple paisley-print silk shirt. He too had only buttoned the bottom two buttons, and like Jon, that left a wide expanse of chest open to her avaricious view.

“Happy birthday, darlin’,” Richie said, speaking first. He leaned in to lightly kiss her cheek, then disappeared into the suite.

“Happy birthday, baby,” Jon said, pulling her in for a decidedly less chaste kiss. His mouth slanted over hers as he tipped her back over his arm. He plundered her for long minutes while his free hand played freely over her untethered breasts. When Stephanie was good and aroused, Jon backed off, smiling. “We have dinner waiting for you,” he said, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm.

He walked her into the dining area, and she smiled at the romantic candlelit scene before her. White roses sat in the center of the table in a Baccarat crystal vase. Heavy silver candelabra flanked the flowers, and the light scent of vanilla wafted from the lit tapers.

Three chairs sat side-by-side along one side of the long table. Covered plates sat in front of each place. Dinner for three. “Great,” Stephanie thought to herself. “Richie still isn’t giving us our privacy.”

The three of them talked, laughed, and drank over a wonderful dinner. As the liquor flowed, Stephanie got more relaxed, and less resented Richie’s intrusion on what should have been a sex-filled celebration with Jon. She was having a great time, though she was still confused as to why Richie was there.

“So, what gives?” she asked Richie, sipping from a glass of excellent red wine.

“What do you mean?” Richie asked innocently before sliding another piece of perfectly cooked filet mignon between luscious lips.

Stephanie smiled. “I mean, I appreciate you wanting to wish me a happy birthday, but surely you have better things to do with yourself on a Friday night...”

Jon reached under the table and put his hand high on Stephanie’s thigh, his fingertips brushing lightly against the juncture of her legs.

“I have nothing better to do than to spend an evening with you, gorgeous,” Richie said, winking when Stephanie shivered.

Steph rolled her eyes. “Laying it on thick, aren’t you?”

Richie leaned in to whisper in Stephanie’s ear. “You don’ t like thick?” he breathed, licking the shell of her ear her and making Stephanie choke on her drink. “Then you’ve definitely got a problem, darlin’.”

Richie just laughed at her reaction and squeezed Steph’s leg. She was stunned. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think Richie was coming on to her! And Jon was sitting right there and not saying anything! She shook her head. The banter among them was always full of humorous anecdotes and put-downs, but the conversation now turned toward the suggestive, which it hadn’t done before. She slid a look at Jon, and he smiled, telling her that he had heard his wingman’s comments. That opened the door for him to tell the first of several raunchy, dirty stories. The boys tried to one-up each other, and to hear them talking like that so freely, it was arousing.

She wasn’t really surprised with some of the stories they told; rather, she was surprised they shared these stories with her at all. On the one hand, she was thrilled they let their guard down around her, and she hoped this was a turning point in their group dynamic. On the other hand, she was apprehensive. The boys had more than their share of wine with dinner, and she hoped that they didn’t regret sharing this much with her come morning.

Eventually, the three of them made it to the sofa and Stephanie, a little tipsy from all the wine she had imbibed, but by no means drunk, sat sandwiched between the two men. Jon turned to her, running a finger down one bare arm. The spaghetti-strap tank-top she wore left very little to the imagination, and as his finger trailed down her arm, he watched her nipples pebble under the thin fabric of her shirt. Richie saw this too, and swallowed hard.

“So baby,” Jon said, “you ready for your birthday present?”

Stephanie laughed and flicked a glance in Richie’s direction, hoping he’d get the hint and retreat to his room. When he didn’t, she sighed softly and turned slightly to her right and dropped her left hand into Jon’s lap, massaging his growing erection. “I am more than ready, baby, and I see you are too! Hell, you even wrapped it for me!”

Jon grabbed her hand and, catching Richie’s eye over Stephanie’s head, tossed it at his lap, where it landed on his wingman’s own erection. Stephanie’s eyes widened, and she tried to snatch her hand away, but Richie held fast with one hand as the other moved to rest lightly on Steph’s thigh.

Stephanie felt Jon’s hand on her cheek, and she turned face to him again, confusion in her eyes and blood pounding in her ears. She saw a question in Jon’s expression as he leaned in to take her face between his hands, rubbing his thumbs along her jaw-line. He kissed her then, his mouth devouring hers. Her heart beat an erratic staccato as she realized what her present was: she was going to have both of them tonight.


Stephanie slowly stroked Richie’s length, testing his girth, making her mouth run dry, before taking her hand back from his lap. She dug her fingers into Jon’s hair, pulling his mouth harder onto hers, telling him that she was more than wiling to accept his – their – gift. She felt the hand that was on her thigh move up under her shirt to caress one tender breast, while the other massaged the back of her neck, scratching gently and making gooseflesh rise on her shoulders. She gasped as Richie’s fingers found her nipple and tweaked it gently. Her hips bucked toward Jon, even as she felt Richie move in closer behind her. His warmth at her back had her wet and throbbing, but she wasn’t sure what she should do next.

How far were they willing to go?

How far was she?

Richie leaned in to bite gently at Steph’s shoulder, getting her attention. When she turned to him with heavily hooded eyes , he cupped the side of her face and kissed her slowly, tangling his tongue with hers while Jon slanted his hand into her lap to rub hard at her dampening pussy. Richie swallowed Stephanie’s moans and broke the kiss with a smile. He pulled away and stood, winking before disappearing into his bedroom. He returned with a couple of thick blankets which he spread on the wide living area floor. He disappeared again, Stephanie eagerly watching his every move, and this time came back with armloads of pillows, adding them to the pallet he had made on the floor. He returned to the couch and held out his hand to her.

Stephanie let her gaze travel over Richie – really looking at him. His eyes, normally a soft, chocolate brown, were nearly black with desire. His mouth was set in an almost pout. He looked like was having trouble holding on to his control; his breathing was hard and slow. Her gaze traveled lower, over the expanse of chest that was rising and falling with great deliberation as Richie struggled to calm himself. She continued her open perusal, stopping next at the distended front of his dress pants.

Stephanie looked at Jon and he nodded slightly. She extended a shaking hand to take Richie’s, and allowed herself to be pulled up to stand in front of him. With trembling fingers, she unbuttoned the few buttons that held his shirt closed. She played her small hands over his chest, scratching her nails across the flat brown nipples she found there.

Richie closed his eyes against her touch, moaning softly. He grabbed her hips and pulled her in hard against his erection, rubbing against the juncture of her thighs. Emboldened by his obvious arousal, Stephanie pushed her hands up to Richie’s shoulders and slid the silk down his arms, trailing gentle fingertips in the soft fabric’s wake. She placed wet, open-mouthed kisses across his chest, and worked his way up until she was nipping at his Adam’s apple.

Jon stood then, and shrugged out of his own shirt. He stepped in close behind Stephanie, and pulled up the hem of her top, lifting it up over her head. With her arms raised, her perfect breasts were thrust upward, and Richie bent to take one stiffened peak into his mouth. Stephanie leaned back against Jon’s warm chest for support, and he kissed and licked and nibbled at her neck until her knees went weak.

Smiling, Jon lowered slowly Stephanie to the floor, settling her on her back. She looked up with desire burning in her eyes at the two the gorgeous, shirtless men grinning on either side of her. Unhurriedly, the two men sunk to their knees next to her.

Richie moved to her feet, slowly unzipping her boots and placing them gently to one side. He took first one foot then the other in his capable hands and rubbed them thoroughly, using his thumbs to press into her arches. He worked his hands up her legs, rubbing and kneading her muscles as he approached the warm, wet heat that he knew was hiding behind those jeans. When he reached her waist, he undid her jeans and pulled them down, smiling when he discovered that there was no other barrier; Stephanie was commando underneath.

Jon took one of her nipples into his mouth, distracting her from the flush of embarrassment that was creeping over her chest at Richie’s exploration. “Relax,” Jon murmured against her flesh. “We won’t do anything you don’t want us to do.”

Stephanie could feel Richie’s hands lightly caressing her naked calves and thighs, and her pussy began to throb with anticipation. Groping for Jon, she groaned when she found his straining erection.

“I want,” she hissed, arching her back and licking her lips.

Grinning, Jon stood and quickly divested himself of his pants, kicking them away impatiently. He straddled Stephanie’s shoulders, and lowered to his knees. Steph took his hard cock into her mouth, welcoming the familiar salty, musky flavor on her tongue. As she stroked his dick with her lips and tongue, she could feel Richie’s fingers run the length of her slit, revealing to him how wet she was.

She couldn’t see what Richie was doing, she could only feel. Every nerve ending was on fire. Her body arched and she gasped when she felt one finger, then two stroking in and out of her now sopping pussy. Her mouth tightened around Jon and she sucked harder, fueled by the rivers of desire coursing through her body. Jon’s moans told Stephanie that he was close to release, and she couldn’t wait to taste him.

Richie inched up to lick at Stephanie’s clit while a third finger easily slid into her. His hand was moving forcefully in her now, pumping her furiously. He switched from licking to sucking, and Stephanie’s whole body tensed. She came with a long, low moan that transmitted up the length of Jon’s cock and sent him over the edge. He shot into the back of her throat, and groaned when she sucked every last drop from his body. Jon slid from Stephanie’s mouth and lay with his head pillowed on her stomach. He rolled first one nipple, then the other between his thumb and forefinger while Richie continued his assault. Jon could feel the muscles of her stomach bunch, and he knew that she was going to cum again. He leaned in to take one nipple in his mouth and sucked hard while he pinched the other firmly. That pressure, paired with Richie’s strong suction on her clit had her crying out incoherently.

Jon kissed her breasts gently, trailing lazy kisses over each creamy mound while Richie gentled his mouth. A bit dazed, Stephanie watched through slumberous eyes as Jon moved off of her. She flicked her gaze downward and saw Richie’s dark head positioned between her thighs, eyes closed, and a small smile playing at his lips. He slowly licked at Stephanie, sending tremors through her body. Jon moved to kneel behind her, supporting her back on his chest, allowing her to better see what Richie was doing to her. He rubbed his hands over her sensitive breasts, pulling and plucking at her nipples while Richie sped his motions, and Stephanie was peaking again in minutes, screaming in ecstasy.

When Richie moved away, Jon carefully extricated himself from behind Steph and gently turned her onto her stomach. She knew instinctively that he wanted her on all fours, and she shakily rose to her knees and spread them wide, anxious for what was coming next. Jon and Richie exchanged places, Jon taking up position behind Steph. He leaned over her, resting his chest on her back. He kissed the nape of her neck and reached around to pull at her nipples while his cock gathered strength once again.

Richie stood in front of Steph and unfastened his pants, sliding them down and off his hips. They got stuck for a moment on the tip of his distended cock but quickly succumbed to gravity. Richie stepped out of them and knelt in front of Stephanie. Smiling, she took him into her mouth, urging him forward slowly until she had him half-swallowed down her throat. Richie’s eyes closed, and his head dropped back, and he gripped Stephanie’s shoulders while she ministered to him.

Jon slid his hot length into Stephanie from behind, and she instinctively leaned back to ground onto him, moaning at the sensation. Jon grabbed her hips and started moving excruciatingly slow, pulling almost fully out before sliding all the way back in. Stephanie drew back on Richie to take just his cockhead into her mouth, and wrapped a small hand around the length of him. Her fingers couldn’t touch, and she wondered if she would get the chance to feel this inside of her before the night was through.

Suddenly, Jon’s grip on Stephanie’s hips became firmer, and he began slamming his cock into her. Her entire body jerked with the force of his fucking and she cried out as he penetrated her deep and hard. She could see Richie’s thighs tensing and could feel his cock and balls tightening and knew he was about to cum. Jon’s hips and balls were slapping hard into Stephanie’s ass and she could hear the telltale signs that he was about to reach climax.

As Richie’s thick cum exploded against the back of her throat, Jon released at the same time, pulling her ass flush against his hips and groin, her pussy instinctively tightening around his contracting cock, milking him. As Richie slipped from her mouth, Stephanie collapsed exhausted on the blankets, Jon still inside her, his body resting on hers...their sweat mingling together as their combined juices collecting in a puddle underneath them.

Richie kissed Stephanie lightly on the mouth, got up, and went into his bedroom. Jon kissed the back of her neck and his hand brushed away the hair lying across the side of her face. Their eyes met, and Stephanie was drowning in the cerulean pools.

“How’d you like your birthday present so far?” Jon asked quietly in her ear, his breath making her shiver.

“Damn, Jon, this is... I can’t.... words just...” She was stammering and Jon laughed softly.

“I’m glad you like it,” he said. They heard the distant sound of a toilet flushing and a shower starting. Jon slowly crawled off of Stephanie, wincing when she held fast to his now flaccid cock and wouldn’t let go.

“Where are you going?” Stephanie asked.

“I’m going to clean up,” Jon answered. “And I’m not sharing a shower with Rich.” He winked and disappeared into his bedroom. “You decide where you want to get cleaned up,” Jon called out. “But know that I need a little while to get my stamina back up to full strength.”


Stephanie rolled carefully onto her back. Her whole body was tingling like she’d been electrified. In a sense, she had. She couldn’t quite believe she’d had both of them making love to her. Though, she chuckled to herself, she had done a fair amount of the work herself.

Shrugging, Steph slowly got up and looked in the direction of Jon’s room. He had already cum twice, she reasoned it was Richie’s turn, and she figured she wasn’t going to get a whole lot of chances like this. She slowly went through his room to stand at the open bathroom door. The curtain was closed on the shower, but she could hear him singing softy while the water fell. She spied a bottle of mouthwash on the sink, and quickly rinsed the flavors of the two men from her mouth. Smiling, and a little nervous, she stood outside the shower.

“Rich?” she asked, tentatively.

Richie popped his head around the edge of the curtain, and Stephanie burst out laughing. He had suds in his hair, and it was sticking up in all directions, making him look ridiculous. “What’s up, darlin’?”

Stephanie pulled the curtain a little more open and peeked inside. “You tell me,” she said saucily.

“Why don’t you come in and find out for yourself?”

Richie stood back and quickly rinsed his hair while Stephanie climbed into the shower behind him. He turned and pressed her up against the cool tile to kiss her, driving his tongue into her mouth, smiling at the minty taste of her breath. His hands tangled into her curls and he angled her head so he could deepen the kiss. Stephanie clung to his broad shoulders and gave as good as she got. Richie grinned and positioned Stephanie so he could wet her hair.

Richie massaged the thick lather into her hair, pressing his strong fingers into her scalp, and making her groan in appreciation. There was nothing more decadent than having your hair washed – unless it was having it washed by a stunning, naked rock star.

Richie then reached up and unhooked the showerhead, directing the spray of water at Steph’s hairline, rinsing the lather from her. Once the last of the soap was gone, he turned her, bracing her hands on the wall opposite, and switched the spray to a gentle mist, and ran the hot steamy water all over Steph’s body. He started at the nape of her neck, and blanketed her back with soft spray. He switched the showerhead to massage when he reached her lower back, and Stephanie growled happily as the water worked out some of the kinks she sported from having spent the better part of the last hour on the floor.

Turning the spray back to normal, he painted the globes of her ass and her thighs, moving slowly to make sure he got everything wet. Richie dropped the showerhead, and picked up the soap and a washcloth. Lathering the cloth liberally, he knelt at Stephanie’s feet, slowly rubbing up one leg and down the other. He started with her left ankle, and worked up her calf to tickle behind her knee and scrub her thigh. He just grazed the washcloth over her swollen lips, chuckling when she shivered. He continued his washing, going down her right thigh, knee, calf, and ankle. He reached around her legs to wash the fronts, again, stopping just shy of rubbing the washcloth against her clit, but grazing it lightly, and making her squirm.

Dropping the washcloth, Richie picked up the sprayer again, and rinsed the soap from Stephanie’s body. “There,” he said softly. “All clean.”

“Not all,” Stephanie answered. “You missed a spot, I think.”

“Oh, no!” Richie lamented. “That won’t do.” He was still kneeling behind her, and teasing her with the spray of water. “What’d I miss?”

“You know damned well what you missed,” Stephanie rasped.

“You’re right,” Richie said. “I do know. Stand up straight, darlin’ and turn around.”

Stephanie pushed away from the wall and turned to face Richie. He held the washcloth and soap in his hands, and was lathering again. He started with her neck, rubbing soft, lazy circles on her skin. He moved slowly down over her collarbone and circled each breast, avoiding the tender peaks. He moved to just below her nipples and washed her abdomen in circles, working his way down her body. The lower he traveled, the slower he moved and the tighter the circles became. Stephanie was panting now, and gripping Richie’s shoulders to keep from collapsing on the floor.

Smiling evilly, Richie knelt in front of Stephanie, and her stance widened. Richie carefully washed the little patch of pubic hair, letting the washcloth graze her throbbing clit. Stephanie moaned as the cloth abraded her over-sensitized nub. Taking pity on Stephanie, Richie began to slowly, deliberately, wash Stephanie’s pussy, sliding the cloth between her lips and up over her clit. Steph rocked her hips in time with Richie’s motions, increasing the pressure she felt. Her whole body was on fire, and she thought for sure she would burst. Richie sensed this and stopped.

“Wha?” Stephanie gurgled, before Richie shushed her.

“I’m done washing, darlin’,” he said, picking up the showerhead. “Time to rinse. Turn around like a good girl.”

Stephanie complied and braced herself once again against the shower wall. Richie used the light spray to rinse most of the suds from Stephanie’s chest and legs. But when he came to her core, he tsked. “Darlin’, the light spray won’t get all this soap out,” he said. “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to set the spray a little bit harder.”

“Okay,” Stephanie whispered, barely holding on to her control.

She felt the hard pulse of the massager on her spine, and groaned as Richie swept the spray up and down her back. He moved the water down to her ass and lower still, to the bit that was still sudsy.

“Open wider, darlin’,” Richie said, and watched as Stephanie opened her legs wide for him, and arched slightly so her pussy was in full view. “That’s it,” he said. “Oh, there’s so much soap.” He slowly moved the water down until it was pulsing only on her core. “I hope I can get it all off.”

Richie positioned the sprayer so the water hit her full in the pussy, and no place else. Steph let out a gasp as the pulsing streams of water set a rhythm she couldn’t resist. She pushed her hips backwards a little, and felt Richie’s finger start to circle her clit. He switched the shower to slow massage, the hard, slow spurts of water hitting Stephanie’s swollen lips. Richie spread her wide, letting the water hit her inner walls, massaging her. Stephanie’s head started to thrash, and she pushed back against the water, feeling it filling her before Richie quickly took it away and hung it back on the holder, directing the pulse to Steph’s lower back.

She felt a gentle press on her clit, and could tell from where Richie’s hands were that it had to be his cock. Holding her breath, she waited a moment to see what he would do. She heard the shower curtain open a little, followed by the tell-tale sound of a condom wrapper opening. He sheathed himself, and pushed into her slowly.

“God, Stephanie, you’re so fucking tight,” he said, pushing slowly against the resistance so as not to hurt her.

Stephanie shoved backwards, impaling herself on Richie. “Sweet hell,” she moaned as he filled and stretched her. He started moving slowly, but Stephanie was having none of that. She pushed back hard against him, slapping her thighs against his. Richie took the hint and started thrusting harder and faster, driving himself deep inside her. It was better than he’d ever imagined. She squeezed him hard with every thrust, and he finally abandoned her hips to grab her shoulders. A few more quick strokes and she was spasming around him, arms shaking as she struggled to hold up the wall. A few strokes after that, and Richie was exploding inside her, and he groaned her name.

Richie reached up and set the water back to a gentle spray and gently disengaged from Steph. He pulled her back against his chest, and started to rinse her with the water, when he heard Jon say, “I’ll do that.” Richie gently leaned Steph against the wall, kissed her once more for good measure, and left the shower, Jon taking his place. He pulled Stephanie in close to his chest, and gently washed her juices from her. “How was that, baby?” Jon asked. “Sounded like you enjoyed that.”

Stephanie had no words. All she could do was moan in coherently.

Jon chuckled. “I thought so. Feel up to another round?”

“With you? Absolutely. No offense to Rich, but I’ve been dying to fuck you properly since I got on the plane.”

Jon chuckled. “Baby, it’s your birthday...I’ll be doing the fucking, thank you very much.”


Jon made quick work of rinsing Stephanie, and turned off the water. He stepped out on the mat, and grabbed two towels from the rack over the commode. He slung one low on his waist, the deep vee of his hipbones and the trail of fine brown hair leading under it made an amazingly erotic picture. Stephanie couldn’t wait to follow that hairway to heaven. He raised Stephanie’s arms up, and wrapped the second towel under her armpits, tucking the end in between her breasts. He took her hand and helped her step out of the tub.

He pulled Stephanie in for a deep kiss, tunneling his fingers into her thick curls. He stroked her tongue slowly, teasingly, while he ground his pelvis against hers. The friction of the towel on her already sensitized flesh was agonizingly tantalizing...but she wanted to feel his skin rubbing against her clit. She reached for his towel and he stopped her. “Uh uh, Steph baby,” Jon crooned in her ear.

“But it’s my birthday,” she whined. “And I wanna open my present.” She palmed him roughly through the towel and groaned at his hardness. Jon growled and tore her hand away from him. He scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder and strode from the bathroom.

“What’d she do, bro?” Richie laughed from the bed where he was lounging, clad only in jogging shorts.

“She’s being a bad girl,” Jon answered, not breaking stride.

“Need help disciplining her?” Richie called to Jon’s retreating back.

“NO!” Jon and Steph shouted in unison. Richie’s cackle was cut off when Jon slammed the door to his room behind him.

Jon tossed Stephanie onto the bed, and she squeaked as she bounced hard. Jon wasted no time in climbing up after her and pinning her to the bed with his body. He grabbed her wrists and held them over her head with one hand while the other tore the towel open. He let his gaze rake over her before meeting her eyes. Stephanie swallowed hard. Jon’s eyes were all pupil. It was a possessive and positively animal look that had her writhing beneath him.

He roughly grabbed one breast, kneading it, rolling and pinching the nipple while he suckled at the other. Steph mewled and struggled against Jon’s grasp, but only half-heartedly. Her eyes were closed, and her head thrashed from side to side as Jon continued his assault. He bit down gently on Stephanie’s nipple, and she cried out, the throbbing between her thighs becoming unbearable. “Please,” she begged.

“Please what,” Jon said, tearing his mouth away to grunt out the sentence before going back to his slow torture.

“Please fuck me,” she whispered.

Jon smiled around her breast. “You haven’t had enough?”

“No,” Stephanie rasped. “I haven’t had you. Not just you. I need you, please...” Her words trailed off as she felt the throbbing of her clit turn to a tingle that pulsed down her legs. “Oh God...” she groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Jon asked, knowing full well what was happening to Stephanie.

“You’re making me.... I’m... holy fuck...” She screamed loudly as the orgasm crashed into her. She struggled in earnest now, trying to free her hands so she could pull Jon’s head away from her breast. She couldn’t take the torture anymore. “No,” she moaned, trying to squirm away from him.

“Yes,” Jon insisted, only now switching to the other breast.

She screamed again as Jon latched on, and he just chuckled around her flesh as she thrashed beneath him. He slowly slid his free hand down her side and over her hip. Stephanie tried to squeeze her legs together, but Jon was lying between them. He slowly, oh so slowly grazed the edge of his fingertip across Stephanie’s quivering lips. She bowed from the bed with such force that Jon’s grip on her wrists was dislodged. She grabbed onto his head and pulled him roughly from her breast and to her mouth.

As Jon’s tongue dove into Stephanie’s mouth, two fingers penetrated her core. He pushed hard, past the clenching, resisting muscles until he felt them relax just a fraction. Then he started to move them. He slowly drew them out and slid them back, making sure his thumb pressed into her clit with every inward stroke. Stephanie’s whole body tensed while he pumped.

“There’s my girl,” Jon murmured as Stephanie squeezed his fingers tighter. “Let it go, baby...”

“Make me,” Stephanie rasped.

Chuckling, Jon slid down Steph’s body, tracing a long, wet line with his tongue. When he was settled between her thighs, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. When she felt his breath on her clit, moments before his warm tongue penetrated her, she whimpered. When he pressed his tongue all the way in and scraped his teeth against her clit, she screamed long and loud.

She tried to pull his head away, to draw him up her body so he’d finally fuck her, but he was having none of it. He grabbed her hands before they could fist in his hair, and held them tight while he continued scraping and licking at Stephanie’s core. Her entire body was humming with pleasure, and every nerve ending was tingling. Even her hair was electrified.

“Jon!” she gasped. “Please, I’m begging...”

“Just give me one more first, baby,” Jon said, blowing a stream of cool air onto Stephanie’s overheated center. He accented his demand with a slow lick up her slit.

“Oh, God,” Stephanie whimpered, her arms going limp at her side.

“There’s my girl,” Jon said again, spreading her lips so he could suck her clit into his mouth. He sucked hard and fast, and Stephanie’s back bowed so hard Jon thought she’d crack. Her legs stiffened and lifted a full three inches off the bed and her head bent back until it all but disappeared behind her. Suddenly, Stephanie relaxed, then pressed hard into the mattress, her entire body tense and pulsing. Eyes wide and mouth agape, she felt the orgasm approaching again. She actually wasn’t sure if this was a new one or the back end of the last one, but Jon wouldn’t fuck her until she came, so dammit, she was going to cum.

She tightened the muscles in her legs, and they spasmed as Stephanie tried to hasten the tingling up them and to her core. Jon felt what she was doing, and chuckled. He let go with an exaggerated suck. “That won’t work, baby. If you try to force it, I’ll just make you do it again.” He dove back in, sucking her clit noisily, and slid a finger into her, turning his hand so he could tickle the front wall of her passage. He moved his finger slightly and found THE spot, and Stephanie roared her approval as the pins and needles raced up her legs and began to gather in her womb. A split second before her orgasm hit, Jon stopped, pulled his towel off and positioned his cock at Steph’s opening.

“Look at me, baby,” Jon commanded.

With unfocused eyes, Stephanie met his gaze, and a silent scream escaped her lips as he pushed into her slowly. Inch by glorious inch he penetrated her, stopping every couple of seconds or so to lean down and kiss her lips or her nipple, or to bite at her neck. When he was fully seated in her, he jerked his hips; a quick out-and-in, and that slide of friction exploded the heat from her womb, sending licks of fire through her whole body.

Jon grunted at the force Stephanie’s muscles put on his cock, but pushed through it, sliding easier as her juices, damn, how did she have any left, coursed through her. She started to unclench a little, and Jon took the opportunity to change the angle, levering up on his knees. He took her ankles and raised them so they rested on his shoulders. He lifted her hips and held them firmly, pounding into her until he felt the tightening in his balls.

“Stephanie, baby,” He gritted out between clenched teeth. “Fuck, I love you, woman.”

“I love you too, Jonnnnnnn,” her voice trailed away as the darkness crept in. Her eyes rolled back far enough that she saw stars, and the last thing she remembered was the beautiful sound of Jon groaning as his own orgasm overtook him, and the feel of his seed exploding deep within her.
The Morning After

Stephanie woke when the sun streamed in through the window, slanting over the bed. Stephanie groaned and reached behind her, only to find a cold, empty spot in that big, brass bed. “Where are you, baby?” she called out softly. Hearing nothing, she groaned. Last night was just amazing: the single most stimulating, erotic, adventurous night of her entire life. She still couldn’t believe that Jon had done that for her. She blushed remembering all the things she did with them both; alone and separately. She couldn’t quite believe it wasn’t all just a wonderful dream.

Then she tried to move.

Muscles protesting, she stood and slowly made her way to the bathroom. The room had the slightly damp smell of having been recently used, and she smiled. Jon was already up. After a quick, hot shower, she dried off and pulled a comb through her curls. Fluffing them out, she pulled a thin silk robe off the back of the door and shrugged into it. No need to be shy around Rich now, she thought. There were absolutely no secrets from him now.

She opened the door to the common room, and stopped dead.

Sitting there side by side at the table, facing her, were Jon and Richie. A decadent seven-layer chocolate-frosted birthday cake sat between them, its candles flickering happily.

The men were wearing only towels. Well, towels and smiles. Wide, knowing smiles. Evil, seductive smiles. As if their naked chests weren’t evil and seductive enough.

“What is this?” Stephanie asked, grasping behind her, desperately looking for something to cling to.

“Baby, we didn’t get to sing ‘happy birthday’ to you last night, and you didn’t get your cake,” Jon said with a grin. He held up three forks and wagged his eyebrows.

“And,” Richie said, as the two men rose from the table gingerly, making sure not to knock their erections into the mahogany expanse. “Jon said this was a birthday weekend celebration.”

~*~ FIN ~*~

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too.

by Tresca


She checked her watch and then snapped her cell phone shut when still there were no new messages and sighed. Typical. The one night she'd tied him down to spend some time with her alone, he was late. She knew she shouldn't be so hard on him, he'd been busier of late than he was when he was on tour. If that was even possible.

But tonight was different, it was her birthday. She'd not wanted that much fuss, just a quiet dinner at their favourite waterside restaurant with a nice bottle of wine and his phone turned off. Too much to ask? Apparently so.

She picked at the bread resting in the basket on the table and let out a disappointed huff. Life with Jon had been wonderful, she couldn't complain he treated her like a princess most of the time and the only thing she was ever left wanting for was him. But she'd learnt to share. Jon was a busy and popular man, and for that she loved him.

She lightly rubbed the rim of her glass and looked up when the waiter towered over her balancing a bright red cocktail in a martini glass on his tray. "For you ma'm"

She raised her eyebrow as he settled it in front of her. "It is? What is it? And who is it from?" she scanned the bar to see if any sleazy looking men were perched there, but it was empty.

"It's an apology, you are to drink it and then a car is outside to take you home."

She rolled her eyes. Typical, he's been held up and can't make it. "Right, thank you." She picked up the drink and tasted the fruity flavour. She'd go home, she'd stew and then he'd come home like he always did with those damn big blue eyes and the small crinkles at the corner of his eyes and mouth would make her give in. Every. Single. Time.

She finished the drink and grabbed her purse making her way outside, tugging the collar of her woollen coat she stood in the parking lot and looked around confused. There was no car here? What the hell? She flipped open her phone and scrolled for his number jamming her thumb down on send. She jumped when a pair of hands wrapped around her waist from behind and a nose nuzzled into her neck.

"What's a gorgeous woman doing out here all alone? Don't you know it's dangerous?" his mouth vibrated against her ear, his warm breath sending shivers across her skin.

His fingers found their way inside her coat and inched upwards teasing the soft under curve of her breast, "anyone could come and take advantage of you like this."

She closed her eyes and swallowed. The smell of spice and leather washing over her. "Well my boyfriend should have thought about that before standing me up," she hissed as he kissed from her ear down the line of her jaw.

"Tell me about this man, and why he'd even consider leaving you alone when you're wearing something like this." He teased his fingers across the low v-neck of her chiffon dress dropping his thumb to brush over her nipple, chuckling darkly when it hardened under the pad of his thumb.

She bit down on her lip, good fuck. She hated that he had the power to make her go from pissed to deliciously giddy in a moment. She hitched her breath when he continued to rub his thumb over her peak. "He's—very busy."

"Too busy for this?" he swept his hand lower inching up her inner thigh against her soft skin. "I find that hard to believe." His fingers hitched under the material as he slowly walked with his fingers till he collided with lace that'd barely cover a finger let alone her heat. It drove him crazy the small pieces she wore, it had was fucking hotter than not wearing any at all. It taunted him.

"Jesus—Jon" she dug her heel into the gravel as one finger traced the centre line of her.

"Are you angry at him?" he tugged the material down over her breast to find more lace. He'd bet that it match the one his other finger teasing. They always did.

She nodded, "yes," she inhaled sharply as his finger slid inside her. "And no."

"If I was him, I would be thinking of a way to make it up to you. Since it is your birthday and all." He pushed the lace away from her breast so he could roll her nipple between his thumb and index finger.

Her knees were buckling under his touch, she wasn't sure how much more of the teasing she could take in the parking lot, of all places.

"He did promise me cake, "she whispered.

Jon murmured into her neck as he sipped from her. "Mmm hmmm." Nipping lightly down to her shoulder, he pushed aside her coat with his nose. He stifled a groan at the fruity scent of her.

"And I never go back on my word Steph. Never." His finger rubbing against her tight clit in time with his thumb on her nipple punched out the orgasm, surprising her. She felt his hands retract and his body move away from her letting the cool night air wrap around her as she settled.

"Jon, good-"she turned stopping in her tracks. There was no one standing behind her. Just the dimly lit deserted pathway back to the restaurant.

"Jon?" she wrapped her coat around her tighter to cover herself up. What the hell?
"Jon?" she asked again, annoyed. God it was him that was just here? Wasn't it?

She turned around as two headlights beamed up the driveway and the black car crawled to a stop in front of her. "M'am?" the driver lifted himself out of the car and opened the back door for her. "I've been instructed to take you home."

"You have?" she was confused as hell. Where was he? And he just left her after that? She couldn't decide if she was angry or turned on. She muttered and climbed into the empty backseat just as she settled her phone beeped.

She flipped open the screen.

Strawberry or Chocolate?

She arched her brow as she crossed her legs when the car began to move. What was he going to do? Buy her a cake now? Or course he was. He'd of forgotten to ask his assistant to pick one up obviously. The afterglow of her orgasm deflated.

Either. Whatever is easiest.

No point getting excited over some cake that probably been sitting there all day.

Her phone beeped again.


Both? Now she had two cakes she didn't really want? What the hell was he playing at? She snapped her phone shut and slipped it back into her purse deciding to stew the entire way home.

Once there, she let herself into the apartment expecting to see Jon with a bakery bag and plates but it wasn't that at all. The apartment was dark apart from a trail of light from tea light candles that were dotted along the floor in a path leading to their bedroom. What the hell? The question she kept asking herself tonight.

She dumped her purse and coat on the couch and followed the trail of flickers to their bedroom which was aglow with at least twenty candles. The scent of butter cream on the air hit her as her eyes searched for him in the empty room. Where was he now? The frustration twisting in her gut was quickly being quashed with a flutter of excitement. One thing Jon did do well, and always had. Was kept her on her toes.

She jolted when hands cupped her hips from behind. "You gotta stop doing that to me," she groaned as his mouth descended down her jaw line.

"I like seeing you squirm Stephanie." He pressed into her, the hard lump of his cock digging into the small of her back.

"Now, I need to make your cake." He tugged the zipper at her back and pushed the dress off her body letting it pool to the floor.

She couldn't fight the laughter that came from her. Make it? "Make the cake? You're kidding me right?" She closed her eyes as his hands ran down her arms. He couldn't cook to save himself.

"Oh I can make cakes. Especially birthday cakes for you my love. Believe me." He popped the clasp of her bra open and let it tumble to the floor along with the dress. He pushed her forward to the bed and turned her around, meeting her eyes for the first time that night.

"Lie down." He pressed his lips against hers and plunged deep into her mouth as she tipped backwards onto the bed. He linked his hands in hers and held them above her head on the pillow. "Do not move your hands, or I'll stop."

"Stop what?" she murmured forgetting anything but his lips on hers.

"My creating." He pulled back and reached over to the bedside table. Her eyes widened at the small jar.

"Best part of a cake is the icing baby, everyone knows that… people always pick it off and leave the cake behind. But not this cake, "he winked as he dipped the brush into the pot and then ran it down his tongue. "Mmm Chocolate." He guided the brush right down the centre of her body.

She sucked in her breath as his tongue followed close behind lapping up the gooey chocolate. "Jon, oh god." She squirmed under him and reached out but he pulled away.

"What did I just tell you?" his eyebrow arched as the delicious grin spread across his face. The one that never boded well for her in the past.

She returned her hands to above her head and nodded. Jesus Christ, he was going to kill her. He scooped the brush back in and grinned as he ran the tip across the high arch of her breast, flicking it over the nipple.

Her toes curled as the sensation was followed by his hot hungry mouth licking and sucking till he found her peak. Her cries just made him suck harder as she fought everything in her body not to rake her hands into his hair.

He changed breasts using long strokes to ensure no skin around the pink petal tips was untouched. When she groaned he chuckled. "Can't miss a spot, you know me. Perfectionist."

"More like Sadistic." She gritted her teeth. Her skin was begging for his mouth to again lick off that off.

He stopped and held the brush up in the air, "what was that?"

"Please…." Was all she could muster.

He reached up and pressed his lips lightly against hers. "You beg so pretty too."

He hadn't meant to be late, and hated himself for it. As no matter what, family came first was always his motto and he stuck to that.

The taste of her skin and rich sweet chocolate sauce made his cock twitch, he didn't have much patience when it came to Stephanie. She always snapped something in him that made him want to bury himself deep inside her in seconds.

He tugged the sweet covered tip in his mouth knowing that her body was fighting to stay still. "You taste good baby."

She was screaming on the inside to move, to reciprocate to let him drill her into oblivion not the torturous licking on her skin that was driving her crazy. Her fingers curled around the bed head as she arched further into his mouth.

He lifted his head and the wicked smile that left his lips made her eyes widen. He reached out putting the chocolate back onto the table and grabbed for another silver bottle.

"Strawberry," he grinned proudly.

He shifted down the bed and nudged her thighs open with his elbows. "My sweet girl," he whispered as he kissed up her inner thigh.

Oh god, oh god. The anticipation of him hovering around her was tightening her already aching nipples. He took a long dip into the pot and then slathered the brush head along her thigh stopping inches away from her heat.

Slow methodical licks circled her tender skin as she gasped. Her head tipped back as the pillows meshed around her head. Each stroke was like a brush of fire against her skin that had her craving for more.

He stopped and looking up, the crack of blue eyes visible over the candlelight. "Happy birthday baby…" he smirked before he tilted the pot letting the strawberry goo trickle into her slick folds.

Nose diving in, he took long strokes while he pushed his knuckle into her tight knot. Her hips grinded against him urging him for more. "Harder."

She forgot about the rules as her hands gripped his hairs, digging her fingers into his scalp. Her legs wound around his neck as he continued to suck on her driving her into the pit of insanity. The second orgasm exploded before her eyes in white stars as she lost the will to hold on any longer.

Nothing tasted sweeter than her, he drank her juices mixed in with the creamy taste of strawberries. He crawled back up her pressing his body against hers teasing his lips against hers.

"Holy shit," she panted. He smoothed back her hair gliding the pad of his thumb across her cheek.

The prominent denim pushed into her thigh as he grinned. "I haven't finished yet."

She lifted her hands and inched up through his hair and kissed him back. It was these moments that made everything else melt away between them. They connected, like no one else before.

He felt her hands at his jeans, threading the belt and letting it thunk to the floor. He slid out of his jean easily as he did inside her. Seating himself deep he lifted under her shoulders as he rocked his hips.

Locking her lips to his, she tasted every corner of his mouth. Tasting a blend of the heady taste of herself and strawberry and chocolate. Teasing the cinnamon hairs on the nape of his neck she smoothed across his shoulders as he took.

He could feel her rising, her body starting to quiver underneath him. "Don't fight it baby, let it go." His cock throbbed inside her as he drilled deeper.

Her nails dug into skin and his name like a benediction fell from her lips. He didn't stop, he kept pushing her past the first threshold and rocketing through the next. Her body ready to give way under his.

"Damn," he muttered as he came and came hard inside her.

The only sound between them was their strangled breaths as he curled himself around her.

"Good grief," she mumbled sleepily into his shoulder. "I think you missed your calling as a cake decorator."

He snorted into her hair as he held her close, feeling her body settle into his as it always did after a heavy bout of love making. "Told you I could make a cake."

Indeed that he could.


by Lucia

Chapter 1

After leaving the restaurant, Richie couldn’t help but feel terrible about what had happened. They hadn’t meant any harm, but apparently Stephanie didn’t see that. When he had arrived back at his New York apartment, Richie sent Stephanie a PM.


Darlin’…I’m truly sorry if we hurt your feelings today. That most definitely wasn’t the intention, but looking back at it now, I can understand how your feelings got hurt. Jon and I really do think you’re a talented writer, and judging from how you interact with the others on the board, you’re obviously a sweet woman also. I guess I just assumed you would understand we were only playing with you. Please let me make it up to you…

Richie sat staring at the screen. He wasn’t sure what else to say so he signed it and hit submit. All he could do now was wait for her response.


Stephanie had thought about her lunch date the rest of the afternoon. Initially, yes she was pissed at what Jon and Richie had done, but the more she thought about it, she knew they weren’t the type of guys that would purposefully hurt someone. They had all heard stories over the years of how all the guys would mess with each other. That’s when the reality of what had just happened sunk in…she had just had lunch with Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora! Holy Shit! Stephanie thought to herself. She thought about how she just up and walked away from them. You idiot! You were sitting between two of the hottest men on the face of the earth, and you let pride get in the way! What the fuck is the matter with you?! [/I] Stephanie thought mentally scolding herself. They had contacted her, and she had fucked up a once in a lifetime opportunity because of pride. She thought about PM’ing “Regina” and apologizing, but decided against it. The chances of them showing back up on the board, especially now that she knew who “Regina” really was, was slim.
When Stephanie finally got a chance for a little “me” time, she did what she always did…signed onto T’s Place to see if any of the girls were around. She wanted so bad to be able to tell Hath, T, Lucy, Gail and the rest of the girls about what had happened today, but knew she couldn’t. God this was gonna be hard to keep to herself!

As soon as the page loaded, the little PM alert popped up, Stephanie couldn’t help but hope it was from Richie, but it was probably Lucy responding to the PM she had sent her earlier harassing her about when was she was going to get the POD’s done. When she saw the PM was in fact from Richie, she just sat and stared at the screen.

She couldn’t believe he had actually PM’d her again. What could he possibly have to say? Maybe it was to tell her how they had pegged her all wrong, or to tell her how incredibly rude she had been to them. Finally, she clicked to open the PM. She couldn’t believe it when she read the PM. Richie was apologizing, even said he felt horrible for what they had done and wanted to make it up to her. Although she was surprised he had contacted her again, in a way she wasn’t, that was just the way Richie was…a big teddy bear. Stephanie clicked the reply button and began to type.

You don’t have to apologize. In fact I’m the one that should apologize to you. I know you didn’t mean to hurt my feelings, I know you two were just having a little fun, I’m sorry I sorta freaked out on the both of you today, honestly after I thought about it, it was pretty funny and I’m actually flattered, really, I just wish I hadn’t let my pride get in the way. So although I appreciate you wanting to “make it up” to me, you have nothing to make up for, but Thank you for offering. Oh…and by the way, feel free to call me Steph, that’s what all my friends call me…is it fair to assume we are friends? ;)


Before she could change her mind, Stephanie hit the submit button, although she was embarrassed by her behavior earlier today, she wasn’t going to let pride get in the way this time.

Chapter 2

Stephanie and Richie PM’d back and forth for a while, but then Richie suggested they chat on MSN messenger. Stephanie couldn’t believe all this was happening. She couldn’t help but hope Richie would be online every time she signed on the computer.

Richie had come to know Stephanie pretty well from their conversations. She had told him about her husband Matt and her son Michael, and before Richie knew it, he had fallen for Stephanie. He had set MSN messenger to pop up as soon as he connected to the internet and there was only one person he was hoping would be online…Stephanie.

He needed to see her again. Even if it was just for drinks, although he was hoping for more, he didn’t want to put any pressure on Stephanie.
Stephanie had mentioned one time that Matt was taking Michael to see his first live Giants game, it was all Michael was talking about. Stephanie

confessed she was looking forward to having a little down time. Between work, and driving Michael back and forth to his games, there never seemed to be enough hours in the day, Richie decided this would be the perfect chance to spend a little time with Stephanie and brought it up to her during one of their messenger convo’s.

ONEWITHTHEMUSIC : Hey Steph…I’m gonna be in Rochester for a couple days…why don’t we meet up again.

Richie felt a bing of guilt lying to her like this. He didn’t have plans to be in Rochester this weekend, but he could easily make plans…all he needed was for her to answer with a yes.

JUSTME7800 : You are? You haven’t mentioned that before…when are you going to be here?

ONEWITHTHEMUSIC : It sorta just came up…I’ll be there this weekend, I just thought since our last meeting…uh…didn’t go so well…but if you’re busy I understand…

Stephanie stared at the screen This weekend? Matt’s going to be gone with Michael.

ONEWITHTHEMUSIC : Darlin’…you still there?

JUSTME7800 : I’m here…

God she loved when he called her darlin’. Stephanie couldn’t help but be torn. She really wanted to meet up with Richie, but couldn’t help but feel like she was betraying Matt. She sat silent again just staring at the screen.

ONEWITHTHEMUSIC: Steph…darlin’? Something wrong? If this weekend isn’t good for you…like I said I understand.

JUSTME7800 : No…sorry…phone rang…so this weekend you say…um…yeah…that should be fine…
Richie instantly smiled when he saw her answer and he couldn’t hide his excitement.

ONEWITHTHEMUISC : That’s fantastic darlin’! This will give me a chance to make up for…um…well our last meeting.

JUSTME7800 : I’ve told you, you don’t have to make up for that…it’ll be good to see you…so…when do you want to meet up?
Stephanie’s mind was racing. She kept telling herself she wasn’t doing anything wrong, they were just meeting for dinner…nothing else. As much as she told herself that, deep down she hoped for more.

ONEWITHTHEMUSIC : Is Saturday night ok?

Richie knew Matt would be leaving with Michael late Saturday afternoon. They were going to stay with Matt’s friend who was going to the game with them. By leaving Saturday, they wouldn’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to try to get to the game on time, and Richie saw that as a perfect opportunity for he and Steph to spend some time together, whether it turned out the way he was hoping it would, or even if all it ended up being just two friends hanging out, he didn’t care…he just knew he had to see her.

Chapter 3

The week past differently for both Stephanie and Richie. For Richie, Saturday couldn’t get here soon enough, for Stephanie it felt like it went from Monday to Saturday in a blink of an eye. She had told herself it was just dinner, she was tormenting herself over nothing, Richie knew she was married, surely all he wanted was to make up for the last meeting, even though Stephanie had told him he didn’t have to, that’s just the kinda guy Richie was. But some how deep down inside, Stephanie knew there was more to this meeting then just drinks, and she still wasn’t sure she’d be able to resist.

Richie woke up early on Saturday. He had tried going back to sleep, because he just didn’t do early mornings, but all he could think about as he lay there was Stephanie. Imagining what it would feel like with her laying naked next to him, just the thought of it, got his dick twitching and before long, he was rock hard. He didn’t want to pressure Stephanie, but he knew seeing her, there wouldn’t be any way he could keep himself from at least asking. He’d accept whatever answer he gave her, but again he couldn’t help but hope her answer would be yes.

Stephanie finished packing the cooler for Matt and Michael’s trip. Rochester was about 300 miles from the city so, she packed them some drinks and a few snacks so they wouldn’t have to stop unless they needed gas or Matt just needed a break from driving.
She walked out to the car, handing the cooler to Matt who was loading their things into the trunk.

“Come on dad…let’s go!” Michael whined

Stephanie laughed. He was so excited, it was just too cute for words.

“Michael honey the game isn’t until tomorrow.” She said giving her son a hug

“I know…but the sooner we get to Uncle Jack’s house…the sooner tomorrow will be here! Are we ready to leave yet dad?” Michael asked again.

“Yes…were ready…” Matt laughed opening up the drivers side door.

Stephanie kissed Michael again then walked to the other side of the car.

“Be careful driving honey…and call me when you get to Jack’s” Stephanie said giving her husband a kiss.

“Yep…I’ll call ya when we get there…or if Michael spontaneously combusts from excitement before we get there…whichever comes first.” Matt laughed.

“Stop it! You’re just as excited as he is.” Stephanie laughed

“Yeah…but I’m way better at hiding it” Matt said as he climbed in behind the wheel.

“I’ll call ya later babe…love you.”

“I love you too” Stephanie answered

Stephanie waited outside till they had pulled out of the driveway, looking at her watch, she saw she still had some time before she needed to get ready so she decided to go to T’s place and see who was around.

As MSN messenger came on, she automatically looked to see if Richie was on, then realized he was either on his way to Rochester, or already here.
She did her best to keep her mind off tonight. She played a few of the games, read a few of the threads in the kitchen sink, but she stayed as far away from the fan fic section as she could. She saw Goddess had posted an update on her latest story and knew it would be a sex scene and Goddess being a diehard Richie girl, Stephanie knew she wouldn’t be able to handle reading that right now.

When Stephanie clicked to go to the home page of the board, the PM alert popped up on her screen. Lately the only PM’s she had gotten, had been from Richie. Maybe he was canceling their meeting? When she opened her Inbox she saw that it was a PM from Lucy.

Hey…just thought I’d let ya know there’s new POD’S up lol.

Laughing, Steph typed out her standard response.

‘bout damn time!

Hitting the submit button, she headed towards the Pic of the day section. She had made her way through the Jon, the band, and even the Dynamic duo threads and didn’t have a problem so she didn’t hesitate to click on the Richie POD figuring she’d be fine with that thread as well…she was wrong.

The previous champ had won the for the 4th time and had been retired to the HOC, which meant two new challengers…cool Stephanie thought to herself and waited for the first pic to load. It was a pic of Richie completely shirtless, and as sweaty as he could be.

Oh crap Stephanie said as she sat staring at the picture Lucy had chosen. She had seen that pic of Richie a million times before and yes, had thought it was a hot pic, but now when she looked at it…all she could do was imagine seeing him like that laying over her.

She had to pick today to not only post the POD’S but she had to pick that picture!? Was the thought that ran through Stephanie’s mind.
Stephanie quickly closed out the window and decided getting on the board had not been as good idea as she had originally thought.

Chapter 4

Stephanie checked herself in the mirror one last time. She had dressed casually, just a pair of jeans and a v neck sweater, but the jeans were snug and the sweater low cut. She kept trying to convince herself she hadn’t meant to pick out an out fit like this, tried to rationalize it by telling herself she hadn’t had time to get all the laundry done, this was the nicest outfit she had clean to wear, but as she looked at herself in the mirror there wasn’t any way she could deny she had chosen this outfit on purpose.

Stephanie pulled into the first parking space she saw. She was a nervous wreck and sat there for a moment trying to calm her nerves. She checked her make up one last time in the vanity mirror, took a deep breath, and before she could change her mind, she opened her car door and made her way to the entrance of the restaurant.

Richie sat nervously waiting for Stephanie. They had decided on the Dinosaur BBQ again, but now sitting here Richie was thinking maybe this place hadn’t been the best choice, but there was nothing he could do about it now, Stephanie had just walked into the restaurant.
She saw Richie almost immediately…he looked gorgeous. He was wearing a black shirt and from what she could see and true to form, almost none of the buttons were fastened, exposing his exquisite chest. Walking past the hostess, she headed in Richie’s direction, unable to take her eyes off the exposed skin.

Oh fuck…Richie thought swallowing hard as he watched Stephanie walk towards him. She looked amazing. Her jeans hugged her curves perfectly, and her sweater showed just the right amount of cleavage….he was toast. How was he going to make it through dinner, all he wanted to do was rip her clothes off and pound into her.

“Steph darlin’…you look beautiful” Richie said as he stood and placed a hand lightly on Stephanie’s hip giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Well thank you…” Stephanie said trying not to blush. “You’re looking pretty hot yourself.” she continued

It was right about then that her phone rang. She knew it would be Matt calling to let her know they had gotten to Jack’s. She was a little uncomfortable taking the phone call in front of Richie, so she excused herself and walked over to a quite corner so she could take the call. Returning to the table she apologized saying it was Matt just letting her know they gotten to his friends ok.

“No apology necessary darlin’ I completely understand. Richie said as he once again stood to let Stephanie slide into the booth. Following her, he left little space between them…both their heats were racing.

There was an obvious nervousness between them, not sure of how to break the tension, Richie waved the waitress over.

“What can I get you two?” the waitress asked with a smile as she placed a couple menu’s in front of them.

“Just a couple of drinks for right now…that ok with you darlin’?”

“Yeah…that would be great” Stephanie had gone from nervous wreck to a complete basket case as soon as Richie slid into the booth next to her…she needed something to calm her nerves before she made a complete idiot of herself.

Stephanie ordered a Margarita and Richie ordered a jack and coke.

“Be back with your drinks in a minute” the waitress said as she bounced away with her cheerleader smile on

“She is way to perky.” Steph said

Laughing, Richie agreed. By the time “Miss sunshine” as Steph, had nicknamed her arrived with their drinks, the tension between Richie and Stephanie had eased and they were easily talking and laughing at each other’s impersonation of their overly enthusiastic waitress.

“Here’s your drinks!” Miss sunshine exclaimed placing the ‘rita down in front of Richie and the Jack and coke down in front of Stephanie.

“Are you ready to order?”

“No…not yet…we’re gonna need a little time” Richie said politely smiling

“Okie dokie…just give me a hollar when your ready”

“You betcha!” Richie said with a slight nod and wink acting as enthusiastic as their waitress. Oblivious to the mocking “Miss sunshine” bounced off again.
Looking at each other, Stephanie and Richie burst into laughter as they switched their drinks.

The conversation continued to flow easily. Stephanie talked about how excited Michael was about going to the game. Richie just watched her as she talked. She glowed as any mother would when talking about their child, it was just one more thing that attracted Richie to her. Without realizing it, Richie laid his arm across the back of the booth, brushing up against Stephanie’s shoulders. It sent chills down her spine.

As the evening progressed, Stephanie and Richie became more and more comfortable with each other. Richie even at one point reached out and stroked Stephanie’s hair. It was a natural reflex for him, and felt right. Although they had finished dinner, neither was ready for the evening to end.
“How ‘bout another drink darlin’?”

“Love one…although I don’t know how much more I can take of Miss sunshine”

“I know what ya mean” Richie said laughing. Here it was, the perfect opportunity to invite Stephanie back to his hotel. The evening had been going even better then he had expected, he didn’t want to ruin that…but he had to take a chance.

“There’s a mini bar back at my hotel?” Richie said

Holy shit! He’s inviting me back to his room! What the fuck do I do? it seemed like forever before Stephanie was able to answer.
“Sure…sounds great.” Stephanie said finally able to speak.

Richie silently breathed a sigh of relief and waved Miss sunshine over.

“What can I get ya!?”

“Just the check please…”

“Sure…I’ll be back in a flash!”

Stephanie watched as Miss sunshine bounced away.

“If she comes back here doing back flips I’m gonna punch her.” Stephanie said as seriously as she could.

Richie burst out laughing. “Actually…I’d kinda like to see that” He said continuing to laugh. He loved Stephanie’s sense of humor, and her smile was infectious, Jesus he wanted to kiss her.

Although Miss sunshine did return with the check in her bouncing way, Stephanie refrained from decking her.

Not wanting to give Stephanie a chance to change her mind, Richie opted for paying with cash as opposed to a credit card, besides he wasn’t sure Miss sunshine would escape another trip back to their table uninjured.

“Keep the change darlin’” Richie said to Miss sunshine as he started to slide out of the booth.

“Thank you…you two have a great evening”

Richie just nodded and smiled at the perky waitress, taking Stephanie’s hand he led her to the front of the restaurant. Again this was just a natural reflex to him and hadn’t even realized he had done it at first, but Stephanie didn’t seem to object, so he didn’t see any reason to let go.

“It’ll only take my driver a second to get here.” Richie said flipping open his cell phone.

“It’d be easier just to take my car…unless you want me to follow you?”

“No…your car is fine…” Richie quickly answered again not wanting to give Stephanie a chance to change her mind.

“Ok…I’m parked right over here.” Stephanie said pointing towards the side parking lot.

They walked hand and hand to Stephanie’s car, Richie only releasing her hand because he had to. But he took it again once they were both in her car and headed towards his hotel. Her skin was so soft against his calloused fingers he couldn’t resist stroking her soft skin.

Stephanie’s heart skipped a beat when Richie took her hand again stroking the back of it with his thumb. There was no turning back now. The minute Richie took her hand in the restaurant, Stephanie knew there was no way she’d be able to turn Richie down.
Once in Richie’s room, Richie motioned towards the sofa.

“Have a seat darlin’…wine ok with you?”

“Fine…” was all Stephanie could manage to get out. Smiling slightly she took a seat at the far end of the sofa. Her nervousness from before was beginning to return. She wanted to be here, but this was Richie Sambora for christ sake! The reality of it all made her almost grab at the glass of wine Richie held out to her.

Richie took the seat next to Stephanie. Taking a sip from his glass, he settled back against the sofa, laying his arm out across Stephanie’s shoulders pulling her towards him just. He could feel her tense up, stroking her hair, he softly kissed her temple.

“Relax darlin’…I don’t bite.” He said nuzzling against her ear. He had hoped he would make her feel more at ease, but instead he felt her tense up even more. Deciding he was moving to fast for her he place a little distance between them, there was no reason to rush things, they had all night and he didn’t want to scare her off.

Stephanie finished her glass of wine in 3 gulps. Jaysus this can’t actually be happening to me! But the feel of Richie’s hand stroking her hair confirmed it was indeed happening.

“Thirsty there darlin’?” Richie joked as he took Stephanie’s glass to refill it.

Embarrassed, Stephanie just laughed. Get it together Steph!

Sitting back down, Richie closed what little distance he had put between he and Stephanie, and again laid his arm across her shoulders, this time Stephanie settled back easily, allowing him to pull her closer to him.

They sat cuddled on the sofa sipping at their wine and making small talk. Convinced that Stephanie was feeling more at ease now, he laid his wine glass down on the coffee table. Taking her face in his hand, he leaned in just barely brushing his lips against hers, when she didn’t object, he deepened the kiss.
It was like a well choreographed dance. Their movements matched the others perfectly. From the way their lips instinctively parted ,their tongues tangling around each other, to the way Stephanie’s body easily moved as Richie pulled her onto his lap. It felt exactly as both had imagined it would.

Sliding his hands under the hem of her sweater, Richie unhooked Stephanie’s bra then slid his hands around first cupping her perfectly formed breasts teasing her nipples with his thumb till they stood at full attention, then lifting both her sweater and bra off over her head, tossing it behind him.

Placing a trail of kisses along her jaw line, Richie’s mouth making its way down till it found its goal…Stephanie’s hardened nipple. Sucking it into his mouth he teased it, nipping and licking at it. Letting a low moan escape, Stephanie threaded her fingers in Richie’s hair, pressing him harder against her, Richie more then happy to comply, turned and laying Stephanie down on the sofa, and pressed himself against her as his mouth made another trail of kisses sucking in her other nipple.

Stephanie managed to get the few buttons that were fastened on Richie’s shirt open taking her time sliding her hands up his chest getting an ample feel of his abs and pecs, something she had always fantasized about, but never really thought she‘d get the chance.

As Stephanie stripped Richie of his shirt, he easily and effortlessly opened the button and fly on her jeans, sliding his hands under the waist and pushing them down over Stephanie’s hips, along with her panties.

Richie kissed another trail back up to Stephanie’s mouth and kissed her hard, taking little nips at her bottom lip. He broke the kiss only long enough to swoop Stephanie up in his arms. Her jeans and panties falling to the floor, he carried her to the bedroom.

Laying Stephanie on the bed, Richie quickly removed his jeans, and climbed into bed next to Stephanie. Just that morning he had imagined how good it would feel laying naked with Stephanie in bed, it was even better then he had imagined.

“I’ve wanted you for so long Darlin’” Richie growled into Stephanie’s ear

“Not nearly as long as I’ve wanted you” Stephanie whispered just before her hand made its way down Richie’s body. Wrapping her hand around him, she began to stroke.

“Oh God Stephanie…”

It was good to find out the rumor’s of Richie’s size were true…Very true!

Richie tried to concentrate on Stephanie, he wanted to make her feel as good as she was making him feel right now, but the way she stroked him so perfectly, all he could focus on was how good he felt in her hand. Sensing this, Stephanie propped herself up a bit and leaned on Richie, laying him on his back, it was Stephanie’s turn to make a trail of kisses now.

Richie’s breathing increased the farther down Stephanie went, when he felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth surround him, he groaned. Taking a fist full of Stephanie’s hair he gently pushed down, urging her to take more of him.

“Oh God Stephanie…yes…like that…God please don’t stop” He pleaded as she stroked him with her mouth, teasing the tip with her tongue. He wanted to taste her.

Snaking his arm under her, his hand nudged at her hip, willing her to move closer to him, then he wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her up on top of him…burying his mouth in her curls.

Stephanie moaned her approval of his skills. Flicking at her swollen nub with his tongue making her hips jerk. The more he flicked and teased her, the wetter she got.

As much as he enjoyed the feel of Stephanie’s mouth on him, he wanted…needed to be inside her. Rolling just slightly to his side, the two of them came up for air, Stephanie had barely caught her breath before Richie had moved in between her legs pulling her towards him as he sunk himself deep inside her.
“Sweet Jesus!” Stephanie cried.

Richie had a strong smooth rhythm thrusting himself inside her. Sitting back on his knees he pulled her hips towards him to meet his thrusts pushing him in deeper. He could feel Stephanie’s nails digging into his arms, pulling him towards her. He smiled a devilish smile as he pulled her up onto his lap, Stephanie instinctively began to rock her hips matching his rhythm and bringing on her first orgasm.

Laying her back down, Richie licked and nipped at her neck, grinding himself into her.

“Cum for me again Steph…” Richie growled in her ear.

Stephanie couldn’t refuse his demands and gave herself to him completely as Richie continued to grind and thrust himself into her. When he felt her walls contract around him again, he couldn’t fight off his desire any longer and spilled himself inside her.

Stephanie laid curled up in Richie’s arms for what seemed like forever. Turning just slightly she saw the clock on the night stand said it was 1:15 AM. She couldn’t believe how late it had gotten, it felt like they had only been back at his hotel for a short while.

“I should get going.” She said stroking Richie’s chest


Sephanie didn’t know how to answer him. Turning to face her, Richie propped himself up on his elbow and looked deep into Stephanie’s eyes.

“Look Steph…I know you’re married…and believe me, the last thing I want to do is fuck that up…but he’s in the city…please…just give me tonight?” Richie pleaded.

Just as when they were making love, Stephanie couldn’t refuse his demands.

“Alright…” she whispered

After another, equally intense round of love making, Stephanie laid her head on Richie’s chest listening to his heart beat as he softly stroked her back. Just before she fell into a peaceful sleep, she smiled thinking to herself that Jon wasn’t the only person who shared a secret to take to the grave with Richie. Now…so did she.


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